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2021 WAUF International Ukulele Competition
Check for more details on our WeChat page Link
"Because of U" Summer Concert
This is an online charity concert held on August 23rd, there will be 41 artists performing on the platform. Song Performed by Joe and...
Kamaka Ukulele Festival
"Music has the Power" Charity online concert, "大爱之声" 公益音乐会
Partnering up with Shanghai K11's group, a total of 17 China and oversea artists participated in this online video concert to spread the...
Kamaka's sole and exclusive distributor for China. Kamaka 中国, 香港总代理权
From February 4, 2020, Haupttonart was appointed as the sole and exclusive distributor for Kamaka in China. 从2020年2月4号前, Haupttonart...
Bruce Shimabukuro's workshop in China. 布鲁斯·岛袋中国巡回研习会.
Ukulele master Bruce Shimabukuro is teaching workshop in Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Guangzhou for 14th Oct onwards....
Herb Ohta Jr on tour in China! Herb Ohta Jr 中国巡演.
Herb Ohta, Jr will be on tour in China from 11th Oct to 18th Oct. Touring from Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou....
声动四弦 Keep Strumming
Haupttonart together with Shanghai culture committee presents a mini ukulele concert and Ukulele collection exhibition at this historical...
2019 Music China
We are back again in Shanghai for the world's second-largest Musical instrument fair - Music China 2019. Thank you once again to Hong...
Kamaka's Mini Chronicle in Music China 2019 by Haupttonart Haupttonart presents the Kamaka's Mini chronicle at our booth W2E12 at Music China...
Herb Ohta Jr's and Bruce Shimabukuro's official manager for China region.
We are the official China regional manager for renowned Hawaiian ukulele master Mr Herb Ohta Jr and Mr Bruce Shimabukuro .
Sole distributor for Shima Ukulele
We have become the sole and exclusive distributor of Shima Ukulele for China and Hong Kong.
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